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Introduction to Java

Java is a versatile and widely-used programming language known for its strong typing and object-oriented features. In this introduction, we'll explore the basics of Java, including atomic data types, compound data, and some essential programming concepts.

Atomic Data in Java

Java supports various primitive data types, which represent simple atomic data. Here are some examples:

// Primitive Types
      int distance = 10; // An integer representing distance
      double coffeePrice = 4.25; // A double representing the price of a coffee
      String greeting = "hello"; // A string representing a greeting
      char initial = 'A'; // A character representing an initial
      boolean isRaining = true; // A boolean representing a weather condition

In Java, it's important to note the type of each variable. Unlike some dynamically-typed languages, Java checks data types at compile time, reducing the risk of type errors during runtime.

Compound Data in Java

Compound data types are structures that can hold multiple values. In Java, we often use classes to define such structures. Let's explore an example involving a Book and its Author.

class Author {
    String name;
    int birthYear;
    Author(String name, int birthYear) { = name;
        this.birthYear = birthYear;

class Book {
    String title;
    Author author;
    double price;
    Book(String title, Author author, double price) {
        this.title = title; = author;
        this.price = price;

class ExamplesBook {
    Author jkRowling = new Author("J.K. Rowling", 1965);
    Book harryPotter = new Book("Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", jkRowling, 19.99);
    ExamplesBook() {}

In this example, Author is a class representing an author's name and birth year, while Book is a class representing a book's title, its author, and its price. Instances of these classes (jkRowling and harryPotter) are created using constructors, which initialize the objects' attributes.

Java's Strong Typing

Java is a strongly-typed language, meaning that the type of a variable is checked at compile time. This ensures that type mismatches are caught early in the development process. For instance, you cannot add a string to a number directly:

int num = 5;
String text = " apples";
String result = num + text; // This will compile and concatenate the number and string.

However, adding a number to a string results in string concatenation rather than arithmetic addition.

Java's Infix Notation

Java uses infix notation for operations, which means operators are placed between the operands. For example:

int sum = 3 + 4; // Addition
int product = 5 * 6; // Multiplication
boolean isEqual = (7 == 7); // Equality check 

Working with Java Classes

Java classes are the blueprint for creating objects. They encapsulate data (attributes) and behavior (methods). Here’s an example with a Person class:

class Person {
    String name;
    int age;
    // Constructor
    Person(String name, int age) { = name;
        this.age = age;
    // Method to display person's info
    void displayInfo() {
        System.out.println("Name: " + name + ", Age: " + age);

class ExamplesPerson {
    Person alice = new Person("Alice", 30);
    Person bob = new Person("Bob", 25);
    ExamplesPerson() {

In this example, the Person class has attributes for a person's name and age, a constructor to initialize these attributes, and a method to display the person's information. Instances of the Person class (alice and bob) are created and their information is displayed.


Java is a powerful language with a strong typing system that helps catch errors at compile time. Its object-oriented nature allows for the creation of complex data structures through classes and objects. By understanding the basics of atomic and compound data, infix notation, and class structures, you can start building robust Java applications XDD

Union Data (Interface) -- Respresenting Data Structures

In programming, unions allow for a variable to be one of several types. In Racket, union data types are defined in comments, but in Java, we use interfaces to represent unions. Here are some examples to illustrate this concept.

Example - Spaceships and Invaders


(define-struct invader (loc color bullets size))
 ;; An Invader is a (make-invader Posn String PosInt PosInt)
 (define invader1 (make-invader (make-posn 60 120) "green" 30 3))
 #;(define (invader-temp1 inv)
     (posn-temp1 (invader-loc inv))
     (invader-color inv)
     (invader-bullets inv)
     (invader-size inv))
 (define-struct ship (loc color speed))
 ;; A Spaceship is a (make-ship Posn String PosInt)
 ;; interp.: loc is a position on the Cartesian plane
 ;; speed is measured in miles/hour
 ;; A GamePiece is one of:
 ;; - Spaceship
 ;; - Invader
 ;; NOTE: The Union data type is only in comments in DrRacket. In Java, however, this is not in comments.


interface IGamePiece {}
 // Represents an Invader in the game
 class Spaceship implements IGamePiece {
     Location loc;
     String color;
     int speed;
     Spaceship(Location loc, String color, int speed){
         this.loc = loc;
         this.color = color;
         this.speed = speed;
 // Represents an Invader in the game
 class Invader implements IGamePiece {
     Location loc;
     String color;
     int bullets;
     int size;
     Invader(Location loc, String color, int bullets, int size){
         this.loc = loc;
         this.color = color;
         this.bullets = bullets;
         this.size = size;
 // A class to represent a location on the Cartesian plane
 class Location {
     int x;
     int y;
     Location(int x, int y){
         this.x = x;
         this.y = y;
 class Examples {
     // You can't do the line below because it doesn't know what loc1 is yet
     // Spaceship ship = new Spaceship(this.loc1, "blue", 55);
     Location loc1 = new Location(30, 40);
     Location loc2 = new Location(60, 80);
     // Represents two IGamePieces: Spaceships and Invaders
     IGamePiece ship = new Spaceship(this.loc1, "blue", 55);
     IGamePiece invader1 = new Invader(this.loc2, "pink", 30, 3);
     // You can still do this, but it's bad practice
     // Spaceship ship = new Spaceship(new Location(30, 40), "blue", 55);

>IGamePiece is the type at compile time, while Spaceship and Invader are the types at runtime. Use the this keyword to remove ambiguity. In Java, unions are represented by interfaces, which allows for more general operations.

Example - Ancestor Tree


;; A Person is a (make-person String Person Person)
 (define-struct person (name mom dad))
 (define alice (make-person "Alice" 
                 (make-person "Sally"
                     (make-person "Abby"
 ; this issue with this definition is that you cannot stop--you need a base case
 ; for referential data
 ;; An;; An AT is one of:
 ;; - #false
 ;; - (make-person String AT AT)


interface IAT{}

// Class to represent an unknown in an ancestor tree
class Unknown implements IAT {
 Unknown() {}

// Class to represent a person in an ancestor tree
class Person implements IAT {
 String name;
 int yob;
 IAT mom;
 IAT dad;
 Person(String name, int yob, IAT mom, IAT dad) { = name;
     this.yob = yob; = mom; = dad;

In this example, IAT is an interface representing a node in an ancestor tree. The Unknown class represents an unknown person, while the Person class represents a person with a name, year of birth (yob), and references to their mother (mom) and father (dad), both of which are also of type IAT.


Understanding unions in Java involves using interfaces to allow a variable to represent one of several types. This concept is powerful for creating flexible and extensible data structures, such as game pieces in a video game or nodes in an ancestor tree. By using interfaces, Java allows for the implementation of union types that can lead to more generalized and maintainable code.

Compound Data (Classes) -- Respresenting Data Structures

In Java, compound data types are used to represent more complex structures that can contain multiple pieces of data. These are typically implemented using classes. Classes can be either concrete or abstract. Let's explore these concepts in detail.

Concrete Classes

A concrete class is a class that can be instantiated, meaning you can create objects from it. Concrete classes define attributes and methods that represent the state and behavior of the objects.

Here is an example representing Books

    import tester.*;

    class Book {
        String name;
        String author;
        double price;
        int year;
        Book(String name, String author, double price, int year) {
   = name;
   = author;
            this.price = price;
            this.year = year;
        double getPrice() {
            return this.price;
        // to return the discounted price of this book given the discount rate 
        double discount(double rate) {
            return this.price - (rate * this.price);
        // to return a new book with the same author and name as this book,
        // but with price discounted at the given rate
        Book discountedBook(double rate) {
            return new Book(,,, this.year);

    * Represent a bunch of books, and computing
    * - their total price
    * - how many books we have
    * - all the books published before the given year
    * - a sorted list of books

    * A list of books is one of
    * empty
    * (cons book list-of-books)

    // DYNAMIC DISPATCH: deciding which method definition to invoke (in which class)
    // based on the information available at runtime of the object that's invoking
    // the method

    interface ILoBook {
        // to compute the total price of all books in this list of books
        double totalPrice();
        // to count how many books are in this list of books
        int count();
        // to return a list of all the books in this list of books 
        // published before the given year
        ILoBook allBooksBefore(int year);
        // to construct a list of books that contains the same books as
        // this list of books, but sorted increasing by price
        ILoBook sortByPrice();
        ILoBook insert(Book b);
    class MtLoBook implements ILoBook {
        MtLoBook() {
            // nothing to do!
        public double totalPrice() {
            return 0;
        public int count() {
            return 0;
        public ILoBook allBooksBefore(int year) {
            return this;
            // return new MtLoBook();
        public ILoBook sortByPrice() {
            return this;
            // return new MtLoBook();
        public ILoBook insert(Book b) {
            return new ConsLoBook(b, this);
    class ConsLoBook implements ILoBook {
        Book first;
        ILoBook rest;
        ConsLoBook(Book first, ILoBook rest) {
            this.first = first;
   = rest;
        public double totalPrice() {
            /* Template:
            * FIELDS:
            * this.first -- Book
            * -- ILoBook
            * METHODS:
            * this.totalPrice() -- double
            * this.count() -- int
            * this.allBooksBefore(int) -- ILoBook
            * this.sortByPrice() -- ILoBook
            * METHODS OF FIELDS:
            * this.first.getPrice() -- double ****
            * -- double
            * this.first.discountedBook(double) -- Book
            * -- double  *****
            * -- int
            * -- ILoBook
            * -- ILoBook
            return this.first.getPrice() +;
        public int count() {
            return 1 +;
        public ILoBook allBooksBefore(int year) {
            if (this.first.year < year) {
                return new ConsLoBook(
            } else {
        public ILoBook sortByPrice() {
            * Assuming we have:
            * ILoBook insert(Book) -- on cons? on ilobook?
            * boolean isCheaper(Book) -- on Book

        // to insert the given book into this sorted list of books 
        public ILoBook insert(Book b) {
            if (b.getPrice() < this.first.getPrice()) {
                return new ConsLoBook(b, this);
            } else {
                return new ConsLoBook(this.first,;

    class ExamplesBooks {
        Book htdp = new Book("HtDP", "MF", 0.0, 2014);
        Book hp = new Book("HP & the search for more money", "JKR", 9000.00, 2015);
        Book gatsby = new Book("The Great Gatsby", "FSF", 15.99, 1930);
        ILoBook mtList = new MtLoBook();
        ILoBook twoBooks = new ConsLoBook(this.htdp, 
                              new ConsLoBook(this.hp, 
        ILoBook threeBooks = new ConsLoBook(this.gatsby, this.twoBooks);

Abstract Classes

An abstract class is a class that cannot be instantiated on its own and is meant to be subclassed. Abstract classes can contain abstract methods, which are methods without a body that must be implemented by subclasses. Abstract classes provide a template for other classes to extend.

Here is a great example of complex data struture in java - with a combinations of interfaces, abstract classes, inheritance, etc.

Example - Shape

                                |  +------------------------------------+ |
                                |  |                                    | |
                                v  v                                    | |
                    +----------------------------+                      | |          
                    | IShape                     |                      | |           
                    +----------------------------+                      | |         
                    | double area()              |                      | |         
                    | boolean distTo0()          |                      | |         
                    | IShape grow(int)           |                      | |         
                    | boolean biggerThan(IShape) |                      | |            
                    | boolean contains(CartPt)   |                      | |         
                    +----------------------------+                      | |               
                                   |                                    | |               
                                  / \                                   | |               
                                  ---                                   | |               
                                   |                                    | |
               ---------------------------------------------            | |
               |                                           |            | |
   +-----------------------------------+ +----------------------------+ | |
   | abstract AShape                   | | Combo                      | | |
   +-----------------------------------+ +----------------------------+ | |
+--| CartPt loc                        | | IShape top                 |-+ |
|  | String color                      | | IShape bot                 |---+
|  +-----------------------------------+ +----------------------------+ 
|  | abstract double area()            | | double area()              | 
|  | boolean distTo0()                 | | boolean distTo0()          | 
|  | abstract IShape grow(int)         | | IShape grow(int)           | 
|  | boolean biggerThan(IShape)        | | boolean biggerThan(IShape) | 
|  | abstract boolean contains(CartPt) | | boolean contains(CartPt)   |       
|  +-----------------------------------+ +----------------------------+ 
|                                  |                                    
|                                 / \                                   
|                                 ---                                   
|                                  |                                    
|                --------------------------------
|                |                              |            
| +--------------------------+  +--------------------------+  
| | Circle                   |  | Rect                     |  
| +--------------------------+  +--------------------------+  
| | int radius               |  | int width                |  
| +--------------------------+  | int height               |  
| | double area()            |  +--------------------------+  
| | boolean distTo0()        |  | double area()            |   
| | IShape grow(int)         |  | IShape grow(int)         |  
| | boolean contains(CartPt) |  | boolean contains(CartPt) |  
| +--------------------------+  +--------------------------+  
|                                            / \
|                                            ---             
|                                             |
|                               +-----------------------------+ 
|                               | Square                      | 
|                               +-----------------------------+
|                               +-----------------------------+
|                               | IShape grow(int)            |  
|                               +-----------------------------+       
  | CartPt                |
  | int x                 |
  | int y                 |
  | double distTo0()      |
  | double distTo(CartPt) |

    interface IShape {
        // to compute the area of this shape
        public double area();
        // to compute the distance form this shape to the origin
        public double distTo0();
        // to increase the size of this shape by the given increment
        public IShape grow(int inc);
        // is the area of this shape is bigger than the area of the given shape?
        public boolean biggerThan(IShape that);
        // does this shape (including the boundary) contain the given point?
        public boolean contains(CartPt pt);

    // to represent a geometric shape
    abstract class AShape implements IShape {
        CartPt loc;
        String color;
        AShape(CartPt loc, String color) {
            this.loc = loc;
            this.color = color;
        // to compute the area of this shape
        public abstract double area();
        // to compute the distance form this shape to the origin
        public double distTo0(){
            return this.loc.distTo0();
        // to increase the size of this shape by the given increment
        public abstract IShape grow(int inc);
        // is the area of this shape is bigger than the area of the given shape?
        public boolean biggerThan(IShape that){
            return this.area() >= that.area();
        // does this shape (including the boundary) contain the given point?
        public abstract boolean contains(CartPt pt);

    // to represent a circle
    class Circle extends AShape {
        int radius;
        Circle(CartPt center, int radius, String color) {
            super(center, color);
            this.radius = radius;
        /*  TEMPLATE 
        ... this.loc ...             -- CartPt
        ... this.rad ...             -- int
        ... this.color ...           -- String
        ... this.area() ...                  -- double 
        ... this.distTo0() ...               -- double
        ... this.grow(int) ...               -- IShape
        ... this.biggerThan(IShape) ...      -- boolean
        ... this.contains(CartPt) ...        -- boolean 
        Methods for fields:
        ... this.loc.distTo0() ...           -- double 
        ... this.loc.distTo(CartPt) ...      -- double 
        // to compute the area of this shape
        public double area(){
            return Math.PI * this.radius * this.radius;
        // to compute the distance form this shape to the origin
        public double distTo0(){
            return this.loc.distTo0() - this.radius;
        // to increase the size of this shape by the given increment
        public IShape grow(int inc){
            return new Circle(this.loc, this.radius + inc, this.color);
        // does this shape (including the boundary) contain the given point?
        public boolean contains(CartPt pt){
            return this.loc.distTo(pt) <= this.radius;

    // to represent a rectangle
    class Rect extends AShape {
        int width;
        int height;
        Rect(CartPt nw, int width, int height, String color) {
            super(nw, color);
            this.width = width;
            this.height = height;
        /* TEMPLATE
        ... this.loc ...             -- CartPt
        ... this.width ...           -- int
        ... this.height ...          -- int
        ... this.color ...           -- String
        ... this.area() ...                  -- double 
        ... this.distTo0() ...               -- double 
        ... this.grow(int) ...               -- IShape
        ... this.biggerThan(IShape) ...      -- boolean
        ... this.contains(CartPt) ...        -- boolean 
        ... this.loc.distTo0() ...           -- double 
        ... this.loc.distTo(CartPt) ...      -- double 
        // to compute the area of this shape
        public double area(){
            return this.width * this.height;
        // to increase the size of this shape by the given increment
        public IShape grow(int inc){
            return new Rect(this.loc, this.width + inc, this.height + inc, 
        // does this shape (including the boundary) contain the given point?
        public boolean contains(CartPt pt){
            return (this.loc.x <= pt.x) && (pt.x <= this.loc.x + this.width) &&
            (this.loc.y <= pt.y) && (pt.y <= this.loc.y + this.height);            

    //to represent a square
    class Square extends Rect {
        Square(CartPt nw, int size, String color) {
            super(nw, size, size, color);
        /* TEMPLATE
        ... this.loc ...             -- CartPt
        ... this.width ...           -- int
        ... this.height ...          -- int
        ... this.color ...           -- String
        ... this.area() ...                  -- double 
        ... this.distTo0() ...               -- double 
        ... this.grow(int) ...               -- IShape
        ... this.biggerThan(IShape) ...      -- boolean
        ... this.contains(CartPt) ...        -- boolean
        ... this.loc.distTo0() ...           -- double 
        ... this.loc.distTo(CartPt) ...      -- double 
        // to increase the size of this shape by the given increment
        public IShape grow(int inc){
            return new Square(this.loc, this.width + inc, this.color);

    // to represent a shape that combines two existing shapes
    class Combo implements IShape {
        IShape top;
        IShape bot;
        Combo(IShape top, IShape bot) {
   = top;
   = bot;
        /* TEMPLATE
        ... ...           -- IShape
        ... ...           -- IShape
        ... this.area() ...                  -- double 
        ... this.distTo0() ...               -- double 
        ... this.grow(int) ...               -- IShape
        ... this.biggerThan(IShape) ...      -- boolean
        ... this.contains(CartPt) ...        -- boolean
        ... ...                  -- double 
        ... ...               -- double 
        ... ...               -- IShape
        ... ...      -- boolean
        ... ...        -- boolean
        ... ...                  -- double 
        ... ...               -- double 
        ... ...               -- IShape
        ... ...      -- boolean
        ... ...        -- boolean
        // to compute the area of this shape
        public double area() {
            return +;
        // to compute the distance form this shape to the origin
        public double distTo0(){
            return Math.min(,;
        // to increase the size of this shape by the given increment
        public IShape grow(int inc) {
            return new Combo(,;
        // is the area of this shape is bigger than the area of the given shape?
        public boolean biggerThan(IShape that){
            return this.area() >= that.area();
        // does this shape (including the boundary) contain the given point?
        public boolean contains(CartPt pt) {
            return ||;

    // to represent a Cartesian point
    class CartPt {
        int x;
        int y;
        CartPt(int x, int y) {
            this.x = x;
            this.y = y;
        /* TEMPLATE
        ... this.x ...          -- int
        ... this.y ...          -- int
        ... this.distTo0() ...        -- double
        ... this.distTo(CartPt) ...   -- double
        // to compute the distance form this point to the origin
        public double distTo0(){
            return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y);
        // to compute the distance form this point to the given point
        public double distTo(CartPt pt){
            return Math.sqrt((this.x - pt.x) * (this.x - pt.x) + 
                            (this.y - pt.y) * (this.y - pt.y));

    class ExamplesShapes {
        ExamplesShapes() {}
        CartPt pt1 = new CartPt(0, 0);
        CartPt pt2 = new CartPt(3, 4);
        CartPt pt3 = new CartPt(7, 1);
        IShape c1 = new Circle(new CartPt(50, 50), 10, "red");
        IShape c2 = new Circle(new CartPt(50, 50), 30, "red");
        IShape c3 = new Circle(new CartPt(30, 100), 30, "blue");
        IShape s1 = new Square(new CartPt(50, 50), 30, "red");
        IShape s2 = new Square(new CartPt(50, 50), 50, "red");
        IShape s3 = new Square(new CartPt(20, 40), 10, "green");
        IShape r1 = new Rect(new CartPt(50, 50), 30, 20, "red");
        IShape r2 = new Rect(new CartPt(50, 50), 50, 40, "red");
        IShape r3 = new Rect(new CartPt(20, 40), 10, 20, "green");
        IShape cb1 = new Combo(this.r1, this.c1);
        IShape cb2 = new Combo(this.r2, this.r3);
        IShape cb3 = new Combo(this.cb1, this.cb2);
        // test the method distTo0 in the class CartPt
        boolean testDistTo0(Tester t) { 
            t.checkInexact(this.pt1.distTo0(), 0.0, 0.001) &&
            t.checkInexact(this.pt2.distTo0(), 5.0, 0.001);
        // test the method distTo in the class CartPt
        boolean testDistTo(Tester t) { 
            t.checkInexact(this.pt1.distTo(this.pt2), 5.0, 0.001) &&
            t.checkInexact(this.pt2.distTo(this.pt3), 5.0, 0.001);
        // test the method area in the shape classes
        boolean testShapeArea(Tester t) { 
            t.checkInexact(this.c1.area(), 314.15, 0.01) &&
            t.checkInexact(this.s1.area(), 900.0, 0.01) &&
            t.checkInexact(this.r1.area(), 600.0, 0.01) &&
            t.checkInexact(this.cb1.area(), 914.15926, 0.01) &&
            t.checkInexact(this.cb2.area(), 2200.0, 0.01) &&
            t.checkInexact(this.cb3.area(), 3114.15926, 0.01);
        // test the method distTo0 in the shape classes
        boolean testShapeDistTo0(Tester t) { 
            t.checkInexact(this.c1.distTo0(), 60.71, 0.01) &&
            t.checkInexact(this.c3.distTo0(), 74.40, 0.01) &&
            t.checkInexact(this.s1.distTo0(), 70.71, 0.01) &&
            t.checkInexact(this.s3.distTo0(), 44.72, 0.01) &&
            t.checkInexact(this.r1.distTo0(), 70.71, 0.01) &&
            t.checkInexact(this.r3.distTo0(), 44.72, 0.01) &&
            t.checkInexact(this.cb1.distTo0(), 60.71, 0.01) &&
            t.checkInexact(this.cb2.distTo0(), 44.72, 0.01) &&
            t.checkInexact(this.cb3.distTo0(), 44.72, 0.01);
        // test the method grow in the shape classes
        boolean testShapeGrow(Tester t) { 
            t.checkExpect(this.c1.grow(20), this.c2) &&
            t.checkExpect(this.s1.grow(20), this.s2) &&
            t.checkExpect(this.r1.grow(20), this.r2) &&
            t.checkExpect(this.cb1.grow(20), new Combo(this.r2, this.c2));
        // test the method biggerThan in the shape classes
        boolean testShapeBiggerThan(Tester t) { 
            t.checkExpect(this.c1.biggerThan(this.c2), false) && 
            t.checkExpect(this.c2.biggerThan(this.c1), true) && 
            t.checkExpect(this.c1.biggerThan(this.s1), false) && 
            t.checkExpect(this.c1.biggerThan(this.s3), true) && 
            t.checkExpect(this.c1.biggerThan(this.cb1), false) &&
            t.checkExpect(this.s1.biggerThan(this.s2), false) && 
            t.checkExpect(this.s2.biggerThan(this.s1), true) && 
            t.checkExpect(this.s1.biggerThan(this.c1), true) && 
            t.checkExpect(this.s3.biggerThan(this.c1), false) && 
            t.checkExpect(this.s2.biggerThan(this.cb1), true) &&
            t.checkExpect(this.r1.biggerThan(this.r2), false) && 
            t.checkExpect(this.r2.biggerThan(this.r1), true) && 
            t.checkExpect(this.r1.biggerThan(this.c1), true) && 
            t.checkExpect(this.r3.biggerThan(this.s1), false) && 
            t.checkExpect(this.r2.biggerThan(this.cb1), true) && 
            t.checkExpect(this.r3.biggerThan(this.cb1), false) && 
            t.checkExpect(this.cb2.biggerThan(this.r1), true) &&
            t.checkExpect(this.cb1.biggerThan(this.r2), false) &&  
            t.checkExpect(this.cb1.biggerThan(this.c1), true) && 
            t.checkExpect(this.cb1.biggerThan(this.c3), false) && 
            t.checkExpect(this.cb1.biggerThan(this.s2), false) && 
            t.checkExpect(this.cb2.biggerThan(this.s1), true) && 
            t.checkExpect(this.cb1.biggerThan(this.cb3), false) && 
            t.checkExpect(this.cb2.biggerThan(this.cb1), true);
        // test the method contains in the shape classes
        boolean testShapeContains(Tester t) { 
            t.checkExpect(this.c1.contains(new CartPt(100, 100)), false) && 
            t.checkExpect(this.c2.contains(new CartPt(40, 60)), true) &&
            t.checkExpect(this.s1.contains(new CartPt(100, 100)), false) && 
            t.checkExpect(this.s2.contains(new CartPt(55, 60)), true) &&
            t.checkExpect(this.r1.contains(new CartPt(100, 100)), false) && 
            t.checkExpect(this.r2.contains(new CartPt(55, 60)), true) &&
            t.checkExpect(this.cb1.contains(new CartPt(100, 100)), false) && 
            t.checkExpect(this.cb2.contains(new CartPt(55, 60)), true);

In this way, the abstract class Shape provides a template, ensuring that all shapes have a color and can calculate their area, while each specific shape can implement the details of how its area is calculated.

Understanding Abstract Classes and Interfaces in Java

The extends keyword means that a class inherits everything from another class. For example, if Circle, Square, and Rectangle extend AShape, they inherit all its properties and methods. Because AShape implements the IShape interface, these subclasses also implement IShape "is-a relationship!!".

You cannot create objects directly from an abstract class like AShape. Abstract classes are templates meant to be extended by other classes. When you create a subclass, you use the super command to send parameters to the constructor of the abstract class.

Abstract classes provide a structure that subclasses must follow. You can also extend non-abstract classes, but extending abstract classes ensures that certain methods and properties are included in all subclasses.

Subclasses can override methods from their abstract superclass to provide specific behavior. The program always uses the method defined in the most specific (or local) class.

Using abstract classes and interfaces makes your code more flexible and easier to manage. It allows you to add new types without changing existing code, which is very helpful in large projects.

Should a combination shape be an instance of AShape?
No, because a combination shape might not have specific attributes like location or color, which AShape requires. Instead, it should implement relevant interfaces or extend other classes that suit its unique properties.

Double Dispatch -- Dynamics Dispatch

Dot Product Example

The dot product is an operation that takes two equal-length sequences of numbers (usually coordinate vectors) and returns a single number. For example, given two lists, (1, 2, 3) and (5, 6), the dot product calculation should return 5*1 + 6*2 + 0*3 = 5 + 12 + 0 = 17. The concept of double dynamic dispatch allows us to determine the type of the list (whether it is a ConsLoInt or MtLoInt) and call the appropriate method.

interface ILoInt {
    int dotProduct(ILoInt that);
    // Helper for dot product
    int dotProductHelp(int firstOfOriginalList, ILoInt restOfOriginalList); 

class ConsLoInt implements ILoInt {
    int first;
    ILoInt rest;
    ConsLoInt(int f, ILoInt r) {
        this.first = f; = r;
    public int dotProduct(ILoInt that) {
        return that.dotProductHelp(this.first,;
    public int dotProductHelp(int firstOfOriginalList, ILoInt restOfOriginalList) {
        return this.first * firstOfOriginalList +;

class MtLoInt implements ILoInt {
    public int dotProduct(ILoInt that) {
        return 0;
    public int dotProductHelp(int firstOfOriginalList, ILoInt restOfOriginalList) {
        return 0;

class Examples {
    ILoInt mt = new MtLoInt();
    ILoInt list1 = new ConsLoInt(4, new ConsLoInt(5,;
    ILoInt list2 = new ConsLoInt(1, new ConsLoInt(2, new ConsLoInt(3,;
    boolean testDot(Tester t) {
        return t.checkExpect(list1.dotProduct(list1), 16 + 25)
            && t.checkExpect(this.list1.dotProduct(this.list2), 4 + 10);

List Abstractions

List abstractions provide ways to operate on lists using functions. Here are some common list abstractions:

Currently, we can't implement Foldr or Map as they require knowing the return type Y.

Filter - Painting Example

Using the filter abstraction, we can create function objects to override methods and filter a list of paintings based on certain criteria.

// In ConsLoPainting
public ILoPainting filter(IPaintingPredicate pred) {
    if(pred.apply(this.first)) {
        return new ConsLoPainting(this.first,;
    } else {

// In IPaintingPredicate
class BySomeArtist implements IPaintingPredicate {
    String artistName;
    BySomeArtist(String artistName) {
        this.artistName = artistName;
    // Is the given painting painted by this.artistName?
    public boolean apply(Painting p) {
        return p.checkArtistName(this.artistName);

class BeforeSomeYear implements IPaintingPredicate {
    int year;
    BeforeSomeYear(int year) {
        this.year = year;
    public boolean apply(Painting p) {
        return p.year < this.year;

// Example usage
this.list3.filter(new BySomeArtist("Monet")); // returns a filtered list


// In ILoPainting
boolean ormap(IPaintingPredicate pred);

// In MtLoPainting
boolean ormap(IPaintingPredicate pred) {
    return false;

// In ConsLoPainting
boolean ormap(IPaintingPredicate pred) {
    return pred.apply(this.first) ||;


// In ILoPainting
boolean andmap(IPaintingPredicate pred);

// In MtLoPainting
boolean andmap(IPaintingPredicate pred) {
    return true;

// In ConsLoPainting
boolean andmap(IPaintingPredicate pred) {
    return pred.apply(this.first) &&;

Higher Order Predicates

A higher-order predicate is a predicate that takes another predicate as an argument. This allows for more complex filtering and sorting operations.

// In IPaintingPredicate
class AndPredicate implements IPaintingPredicate {
    IPaintingPredicate left;
    IPaintingPredicate right;
    AndPredicate(IPaintingPredicate left, IPaintingPredicate right) {
        this.left = left;
        this.right = right;
     * FIELDS:
     * this.left ... IPaintingPredicate
     * this.right ... IPaintingPredicate
     * METHODS:
     * this.apply(Painting) ... Boolean
     * this.left.apply(Painting) ... Boolean
     * this.right.apply(Painting) ... Boolean
    // Does the painting pass both predicates?
    public boolean apply(Painting p) {
        return this.left.apply(p) && this.right.apply(p);

// Example usage
this.list3.filter(new AndPredicate(new BySomeArtist("Monet"), new BeforeSomeYear(1900)));

These predicates can be nested and used for complex filtering and sorting operations, making your code more flexible and powerful.

Visitors -- Dynamics Dispatch

There are genral two visitor approches

"The main difference is where the functionality is implemented: either in IList or in IListVisitor. The choice of one over the other will often depend on whether you can modify IList to add more functionality or you cannot modify it but still want to add more functionality." -- Professor Razzaq

Direct method implementation Approch

A quick reminder/ note on the following higher-order functions:

Example of IList with the direct approch

    import java.util.function.*;

    import tester.Tester;

    //represents a generic list
    interface IList<T> {
      //filter this list using the given predicate
      IList<T> filter(Predicate<T> pred);

      //map a given function onto every member of this list and return a list of the results
      <U> IList<U> map(Function<T, U> converter);

      //combine the items in this list using the given function
      <U> U fold(BiFunction<T,U,U> converter, U initial);  

    //represents a generic empty list
    class MtList<T> implements IList<T> {

      MtList() {}

      /* fields:
      * methods:
      * this.filter(Predicate<T>) ... IList<T>
      *<T, U>) ... <U> IList<U>
      * this.fold(BiFunction<T,U,U>, U) ... <U> U

      * methods for fields:


      //filter this empty list using the given predicate
      public IList<T> filter(Predicate<T> pred) {
        return new MtList<T>();

      //map a given function onto every member of this list and return a list of the results
      public <U> IList<U> map(Function<T, U> converter) {
        return new MtList<U>();

      //combine the items in this list using the given function
      public <U> U fold(BiFunction<T,U,U> converter, U initial) {
        return initial;

    //represents a generic non-empty list
    class ConsList<T> implements IList<T> {
      T first;
      IList<T> rest;

      ConsList(T first, IList<T> rest) {
        this.first = first; = rest;

      /* fields:
      * this.first ... T
      * ...  IList<T>
      * methods:
      * this.filter(Predicate<T>) ... IList<T>
      *<T, U>) ... <U> IList<U>
      * this.fold(BiFunction<T,U,U>, U) ... <U> U

      * methods for fields:
      *<T>) ... IList<T>
      *<T, U>) ... <U> IList<U>
      *<T,U,U>, U) ... <U> U

      //filter this non-empty list using the given predicate
      public IList<T> filter(Predicate<T> pred) {
        if (pred.test(this.first)) {
          return new ConsList<T>(this.first,;
        else {

      //map a given function onto every member of this list and return a list of the results
      public <U> IList<U> map(Function<T, U> converter) {
        return new ConsList<U>(converter.apply(this.first),;

      //combine the items in this list using the given function
      public <U> U fold(BiFunction<T,U,U> converter, U initial) {
        return converter.apply(this.first,,initial));

    // rep a pred that cjeck str start w a
    class StingStartWJ implements Predicate {
      public boolean test(String t) {
        return t.substring(0,1).equals("a");

    // rep a bifunc that check str end w/ er
    class EndWEr implements BiFunction {

      public Integer apply(String t, Integer u) {
        return t.substring(t.length() - 2).equals("er") ?
            u + 1 : u;


    // rep a func that make str start w first 2 letters 
    class First2 implements Function {

      public String apply(String t) {
        return t.substring(0,2);


    class ExamplesLists{ 

      void testFilter(Tester t) {
        months.filter((mon) -> mon.substring(0,1).equals("a")) -> "April" 

      void testFold(Tester t) {
            t.checkExpect(months.fold((cur,acc) -> 
            cur.substring(cur.length() - 2).equals("er") ?
                acc + 1 : acc, 0)
                , 4)
            &&  t.checkExpect(months.fold(new EndWEr(), 0), 4); 

      void testMap(Tester t) {
            ( -> cur.substring(0,2))) -> list of all months with only 2 letters

IListVisitor Approch

Below is a great graph map for different implementation for this approch (please overlook my handwriting)

Here are examples of higher-order visitor function

// visitor interface for lists
interface IListVisitor<T, R> {
  // visits an empty list
  R visit(MtList<T> mt);

  // visits a non-empty list
  R visit(ConsList<T> cons);

// visitor that filters the list based on a predicate
class FilterVisitor<T> implements IListVisitor {
  Predicate<T> pred;

  FilterVisitor(Predicate<T> pred) {
    this.pred = pred;

  // returns the empty list when visiting an empty list
  public IList<T> visit(MtList<T> mt) {
    return mt;

  // returns a filtered non-empty list based on the predicate
  public IList<T> visit(ConsList<T> cons) {
    if (this.pred.test(cons.first)) {
      return new ConsList<T>(cons.first,;
    } else {

// visitor that maps a function onto every element in the list
class MapVisitor<T, U> implements IListVisitor {
  Function<T, U> converter;

  MapVisitor(Function<T, U> converter) {
    this.converter = converter;

  // returns an empty list when visiting an empty list
  public IList<U> visit(MtList<T> mt) {
    return new MtList<U>();

  // returns a mapped non-empty list based on the converter function
  public IList<U> visit(ConsList<T> cons) {
    return new ConsList<U>(this.converter.apply(cons.first),;

// visitor that folds the list into a single value based on a function and initial value
class FoldRVisitor<T, U> implements IListVisitor<T, U> {
  BiFunction<T, U, U> converter;
  U initial;

  FoldRVisitor(BiFunction<T, U, U> converter, U initial) {
    this.converter = converter;
    this.initial = initial;

  // returns the initial value when visiting an empty list
  public U visit(MtList<T> mt) {
    return initial;

  // returns the folded value when visiting a non-empty list
  public U visit(ConsList<T> cons) {
    return this.converter.apply(cons.first,;

// visitor that appends a list to another list
class AppendVisitor<T> implements IListVisitor  {
  IList<T> aList;

  AppendVisitor(IList<T> aList) {
    this.aList = aList;

  // returns the list to append when visiting an empty list
  public IList<T> visit(MtList<T> mt) {
    return aList;

  // returns a new list that is the result of appending the list to a non-empty list
  public IList<T> visit(ConsList<T> cons) {
    return new ConsList<T>(cons.first,;

Aliasing -- Mutation

When updating a person's information, it's often better to modify the existing person object rather than creating a new one with the updated value. This approach ensures that any references to the person in other lists or directly will reflect the changes.

Person Class

class Person {
    String name;
    int phone;
    Person(String name, int phone) { = name; = phone;
    // Returns true if the given person has the same name and phone number as this person
    boolean samePerson(Person that) {
        return && ==;
    // Returns true if this person has the same name as the given String
    boolean sameName(String name) {
    // Returns the phone number of this person if they have the same name as the given String
    int phoneOf(String name) {
        if ( {
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("The given name does not match this person's name");
    // EFFECT: changes this person's phone number to the given one
    void changePhone(int newNum) { = newNum;

ILoPerson Interface and Implementations

interface ILoPerson {
    // Returns true if this list contains a person with the given name
    boolean contains(String name);
    // Gets the phone number of the person with the given name
    int findPhoneNum(String name);
    // EFFECT: changes the phone number of the person with the given name
    void changeNum(String name, int newNum);

class MtLoPerson implements ILoPerson {
    public boolean contains(String name) {
        return false;
    public int findPhoneNum(String name) {
        return -1; 
    public void changeNum(String name, int newNum) {}

class ConsLoPerson implements ILoPerson {
    Person first;
    ILoPerson rest;
    ConsLoPerson(Person first, ILoPerson rest) {
        this.first = first; = rest;
    public boolean contains(String name) {
        return this.first.sameName(name) ||;
    public int findPhoneNum(String name) {
        if (this.first.sameName(name)) {
            return this.first.phoneOf(name);
        } else {
    public void changeNum(String name, int newNum) {
        if (this.first.sameName(name)) {
        } else {
  , newNum);

Examples and Test Cases

class Examples {
    ILoPerson friends;
    ILoPerson family;
    Person frank;
    void initData() {
        frank = new Person("Frank", 7294);
        friends = new ConsLoPerson(frank, new MtLoPerson());
        family = new ConsLoPerson(frank, new MtLoPerson());
    void testChangePhoneNum(Tester t) {
        t.checkExpect(this.friends.findPhoneNum("Frank"), 7294);
        t.checkExpect("Frank"), 7294);
        t.checkExpect(, 7294);
        this.friends.changeNum("Frank", 4927);
        t.checkExpect(this.friends.findPhoneNum("Frank"), 4927);
        t.checkExpect("Frank"), 4927);
        t.checkExpect(, 4927);

Alias Example

Aliasing occurs when multiple variables refer to the same object. Here are some examples to illustrate this concept:

Person alice1 = new Person("Alice", 67890);
Person alice2 = new Person("Alice", 67890);
Person alice3 = alice1; // Alias for alice1

alice1.samePerson(alice2); // -> false, different objects with the same values
alice1.samePerson(alice3); // -> true, same object = 09676; // Change phone number of alice1

alice1.samePerson(alice2); // -> false, still different objects
alice1.samePerson(alice3); // -> true, still the same object

Extensional Equality vs Intensional Equality -- Mutation

Extensional Equality vs. Intensional Equality

There are generally two kinds of equality:

  • Extensional Equality: compares objects field-by-field to see if all their values are equivalent.
  • Intensional Equality: checks if two objects are the exact same object in memory.
  • Examples:

    Person alice1 = new Person("Alice", 67890);
    Person alice2 = new Person("Alice", 67890);
    Person alice3 = alice1; // Alias for alice1
    alice1.equals(alice2); // -> false, different objects with the same values (intensional equality)
    alice1.equals(alice3); // -> true, same object (intensional equality)

    Counter Class Example

    class Counter {
        int val;
        Counter() {
        Counter(int initialVal) {
            this.val = initialVal;
        int get() {
            int ans = this.val;
            this.val = this.val + 1;
            return ans;
    class ExamplesCounter {
        boolean testCounter(Tester t) {
            Counter c1 = new Counter();
            Counter c2 = new Counter(5);
            Counter c3 = c1;
            return t.checkExpect(c1.get(), 0)       // Test 1
                && t.checkExpect(c2.get(), 5)       // Test 2
                && t.checkExpect(c3.get(), 1)       // Test 3
                && t.checkExpect(c1.get() == c1.get(), false) // Test 4
                && t.checkExpect(c2.get() == c1.get(), true)  // Test 5
                && t.checkExpect(c2.get() == c1.get(), true)  // Test 6
                && t.checkExpect(c1.get() == c1.get(), false) // Test 7
                && t.checkExpect(c2.get() == c1.get(), false);// Test 8

    Modifying Lists with Generic Types

    When abstracting over types in Java, you can use the Void type if a method should not return anything. In the method, you return null. This is different from the primitive void type.

    interface IList<T> {
        // EFFECT: modifies the first object in this list that passes the predicate
        void modify(IPred<T> whichOne, IFunc whatToDo);
    class MtList<T> implements IList<T> {
        public T find(IPred<T> whichOne) {
            return null; 
        // EFFECT: modifies the first object in this list that passes the predicate
        public void modify(IPred<T> whichOne, IFunc whatToDo) {}
    class ConsList<T> implements IList<T> {
        T first;
        IList<T> rest;
        ConsList(T first, IList<T> rest) {
            this.first = first;
   = rest;
        public T find(IPred<T> whichOne) {
            if (whichOne.apply(this.first)) {
                return this.first;
            } else {
        // EFFECT: modifies the first object in this list that passes the predicate
        public void modify(IPred<T> whichOne, IFunc whatToDo) {
            if (whichOne.apply(this.first)) {
            } else {
      , whatToDo);

    Using a Consumer for Modifying List Elements

    class ChangePhone implements IFunc {
        int num;
        ChangePhone(int num) {
            this.num = num;
        public Void apply(Person x) {
   = this.num;
            return null;

    In the example above, ChangePhone implements IFunc and modifies the phone number of a Person object. This is a common pattern when you need to apply changes to objects in a list.

    Loops -- ArrayLists

    Loops are a fundamental concept in programming that allow you to execute a block of code multiple times. Java supports several types of loops:

    Every while loop can be converted into a counted for loop, and every counted for loop can be transformed into a for-each loop.

    For-Each Loops

    The for-each loop is used to iterate over elements in a collection, such as an array or an ArrayList.

    ... setup ...
      for (T item : list) {
          ... body ...
      ... use the results ...


    ArrayList strings = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("one", "two", "three"));
      for (String s : strings) {

    Counted For Loop

    A counted for loop is used when you know in advance how many times you want to execute a statement or a block of statements.

    for (initialization; termination condition; update statement) {
          ... body ...



    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

    Example: Find Index of Minimum Item

    This example finds the index of the string that comes first alphabetically in an ArrayList:

    // In ArrayListUtils
      int findIndexOfMinItem(ArrayList strings) {
          if (strings.size() == 0) {
              throw new RuntimeException("No min of an empty list");
          int currentMin = 0;
          for (int i = 0; i < strings.size(); i++) {
              if (strings.get(currentMin).compareTo(strings.get(i)) > 0) {
                  currentMin = i;
          return currentMin;

    Nested For Loops

    Nested for loops are used when you need to perform multiple iterations within another iteration. This is often used for multi-dimensional arrays or creating combinations.

    Example: Get every combination of suits and values to create a deck of cards:

    // In ArrayListUtils class
      ArrayList makeDeck() {
          ArrayList cards = new ArrayList();
          ArrayList suits = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList("hearts", "diamonds", "spades", "clubs"));
          ArrayList values = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList("ace", "two", "three", "four"));
          for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
              for (int j = 0; j < suits.size(); j++) {
                  cards.add(new Card(values.get(i), suits.get(j)));
          return cards;
      // Outside of ArrayListUtils class
      class Card {
          String value;
          String suit;
          Card(String value, String suit) {
              this.value = value;
              this.suit = suit;

    While Loops

    A while loop repeatedly executes a block of statements while a specified condition is true. It is used when you do not know in advance how many times the loop should run.

    ... initialize ...
      while (termination condition) {
          ... body ...
          ... update ...


    // Count to 10 using a while loop
      int count = 0;
      while (count < 10) {

    While loops are useful when the termination condition is not based on a simple counter and may depend on more complex logic or input from the user.

    Sorting -- ArrayLists

    Selection Sort

    Selection Sort is a simple comparison-based sorting algorithm. The algorithm divides the input list into two parts: the sublist of items already sorted, which is built up from left to right at the front of the list, and the sublist of items remaining to be sorted that occupy the rest of the list.

    1. Find the index of the minimum item.
    2. Swap the minimum item with the first item of the unsorted part.
    // In ILoInt
    ILoInt nsort();
    ILoInt insert(int n);
    // In Mt
    ILoInt nsort() {
        return this;
    ILoInt insert(int n) {
        return new ConsLoInt(n, this);
    // In Cons
    ILoInt nsort() {
    ILoInt insert(int n) {
        if (this.first < n) {
            return new ConsLoInt(this.first,;
        } else {
            return new ConsLoInt(n, this);

    Insertion Sort

    Insertion Sort is a simple sorting algorithm that builds the final sorted array one item at a time. It is much less efficient on large lists than more advanced algorithms such as quicksort, heapsort, or merge sort.

    // In ILoInt
    ILoInt nsort();
    ILoInt insert(int n);
    // In Mt
    ILoInt nsort() {
        return this;
    ILoInt insert(int n) {
        return new ConsLoInt(n, this);
    // In Cons
    ILoInt nsort() {
    ILoInt insert(int n) {
        if (this.first < n) {
            return new ConsLoInt(this.first,;
        } else {
            return new ConsLoInt(n, this);


    Quicksort is a highly efficient sorting algorithm and is based on partitioning of the array of data into smaller arrays. A large array is partitioned into two arrays, one of which holds values smaller than the specified value, say pivot, based on which the partition is made, and another array holds values greater than the pivot value.

    1. Choose a pivot.
    2. Partition the array into two parts.
    3. Recursively apply the above steps to the sub-arrays.

    For a more detailed explanation and live analysis, please refer here, where I did a full presentation on Quicksort

    while (low <= high) {
        while (list.get(low) <= pivot) {
        while (list.get(high) > pivot) {
        if (low < high) {
            swap(list, low, high);

    Merge Sort

    Merge Sort is an efficient, stable, comparison-based, divide and conquer sorting algorithm. Most implementations produce a stable sort, which means that the implementation preserves the input order of equal elements in the sorted output.

    1. Divide the unsorted list into n sublists, each containing one element.
    2. Repeatedly merge sublists to produce new sorted sublists until there is only one sublist remaining.


    Consider the list: 4 7 6 5 3 0 1
    Sort pairs of numbers:
    47  56  03  1
    4 5 6 7  0 1 3
    0 1 3 4 5 6 7

    Note: You don’t have to compare every element to every other element if each sublist is already sorted. This can also be done in place by advancing low and high pointers.

    Priority Queues and Heapsort

    Priority queues are abstract data types similar to regular queues or stacks, but with an added priority for each element. The element with the highest priority is served before the elements with lower priority.

    Max Heap

    A max heap is a special tree-based data structure that satisfies the following properties:

    1. Structural Invariant: The tree is complete, meaning all levels are fully filled except possibly for the last level, which is filled from left to right.
    2. Logical Invariant: Every parent node is greater than or equal to its children.

    Upheap and Downheap Operations

    Upheap: When adding a new element, place it in the next available position to maintain structural integrity, then swap it up to maintain heap order.

    Downheap: When removing the root element, replace it with the last element in the heap, then swap it down to maintain heap order.

    // Array-based representation of a heap
    leftChild(i) = 2 * i + 1
    rightChild(i) = 2 * i + 2
    parent(i) = (i - 1) / 2 (integer math)

    Example of adding an element:

    Index   0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
    Priority 70 65 50 30 60 40 20 10 20 15 50
    // Add 65 and swap with its parent until heap property is restored
    Index   0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
    Priority 70 65 50 30 60 40 20 10 20 15 50

    Example of removing an element:

    Index   0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
    Priority 60 50 50 30 15 40 20 10 20 70
    // Remove 70 and replace with last element, then downheap
    Index   0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
    Priority 60 50 50 30 15 40 20 10 20 70


    Heapsort is a comparison-based sorting algorithm that uses a binary heap data structure. It divides its input into a sorted and an unsorted region, and iteratively shrinks the unsorted region by extracting the largest element and moving it to the sorted region.

    1. Build a valid heap from the input data.
    2. Repeatedly remove the maximum element from the heap, swapping it with the last item in the heap, and then restoring the heap property.
    To build a heap from an ArrayList:
      For each i from 1 to the size of the ArrayList,
    To upheap at index idx:
       Let parentIdx = floor((idx - 1) / 2)
       If the item at index idx is greater than the item at index parentIdx:
           Swap items at indices idx and parentIdx
    To remove the maximum item:
       Swap the item at index 0 with the item at the index of the last heap item
    To downheap at index idx:
       Let leftIdx = 2 * idx + 1
       Let rightIdx = 2 * idx + 2
       If the item at index idx is less than either of the items at leftIdx or rightIdx:
          Let biggestIdx = index of the largest of the items at leftIdx or rightIdx
          Swap items at indices idx and biggestIdx

    Deque -- ArrayLists

    A Deque (Double-Ended Queue) is a linear collection that supports element insertion and removal at both ends. This implementation includes nodes, a sentinel node, and operations for manipulating the deque.

    Abstract Class for Nodes

    abstract class ANode<T> {
        ANode<T> next;
        ANode<T> prev;
        // Constructor with next and prev nodes
        ANode(ANode<T> next, ANode<T> prev) {
   = next;
            this.prev = prev;
        // Constructor with no arguments (used for Sentinel)
        ANode() {
   = this;
            this.prev = this;

    The ANode class serves as a base class for the sentinel and data nodes. It maintains references to the next and previous nodes, facilitating bidirectional traversal.

    Data Nodes

    class Node<T> extends ANode<T> {
        T data;
        // Constructor with just data (used for creating new nodes)
        Node(T data) {
   = data;
        // Constructor with data, next, and prev nodes
        Node(T data, ANode<T> next, ANode<T> prev) {
            super(next, prev);
            if (next == null || prev == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Next and prev nodes cannot be null");
   = data;
   = this;
   = this;

    The Node class extends ANode and adds a data field. It provides constructors for creating nodes with or without specified next and previous nodes.

    Sentinel Node

    class Sentinel<T> extends ANode<T> {
        // Default constructor for sentinel node
        Sentinel() {

    The Sentinel class represents a special node that does not hold data. It serves as a marker for the start and end of the deque, making boundary conditions simpler to handle.

    Deque Class

    class Deque<T> {
        Sentinel<T> header;
        // Constructor with sentinel node
        Deque(Sentinel<T> header) {
            this.header = header;
        // Default constructor
        Deque() {
            this.header = new Sentinel<T>();
        // Counts the number of nodes in the Deque, not including the header node
        int size() {
            int count = 0;
            ANode<T> current =;
            while (current != this.header) {
                current =;
            return count;
        // Effect: consumes a value of type T and inserts it at the front of the list
        void addAtHead(T val) {
            new Node<>(val,, this.header);
        // Effect: consumes a value of type T and inserts it at the back of the list
        void addAtTail(T val) {
            new Node<>(val, this.header, this.header.prev);
        // Returns the removed note
        // Effect: removes the node at the head of the linked list and returns that node
        T removeFromHead() {
            if (this.header.prev == this.header 
                || == this.header) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Cannot remove from empty deque");
            Node<T> firstNode = (Node<T>);
   = this.header;
        // Returns the removed note
        // Effect: removes the node at the tail of the linked list and returns that node
        T removeFromTail() {
            if (this.header.prev == this.header 
                || == this.header) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Cannot remove from empty deque");
            Node<T> lastNode = (Node<T>) this.header.prev;
            this.header.prev = lastNode.prev;
   = this.header;
        // Finds the first node within this deque that satisfies the given predicate
        ANode<T> find(Predicate<T> pred) {
            ANode<T> current =;
            while (current != this.header) {
                Node<T> node = (Node<T>) current;
                if (pred.test( {
                    return current;
                current =;
            return this.header;
        // Appends a given Deque<T> to the end of this Deque<T>
        void append(Deque<T> dq) {
            int size = dq.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        // Reverses the order of the elements in the deque
        void reverse() {
            Deque<T> d = new Deque<T>();
            for (int i = size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                T last = this.removeFromTail();

    The Deque class manages the sentinel node and provides various methods to manipulate the deque:

    Lovely reminder: these examples are accessing a field of a field. They are meant to showcase the functionality! Please add helpers to rely on dynamic dispatch in case of an exam! (they should not take too long if you understand the structure of a deque)


    Why Using Iterator???

    Assuming we have an ArrayList called alist, we often want to iterate over its elements and perform some operations. This can be done using a for-each loop:

    for (T t : alist) {
        ... do something ...

    In English, this is what we want:

    while (there are more items in alist) {
        T t = get next item;
        ... do something ...
        // We need to keep track of the state

    Remember: Always call hasNext before you try to get the next item!

    Using Iterators

    This is already implemented in Java. See the documentation for Iterator and Iterable interfaces.

    Iterator Interface

    interface Iterator<T> {
        // Are there any more items to process?
        boolean hasNext();
        // Gets the next item to process
        // Usually advances to the item following the one returned
        T next();

    Iterable Interface

    interface Iterable<T> {
        Iterator<T> iterator();

    ArrayList Implementation

    class ArrayList<T> implements Iterable<T> {
        Iterator<T> iterator() {
            // And the ArrayListIterator implements Iterator
            return new ArrayListIterator<T>(this);
    class ArrayListIterator<T> implements Iterator<T> {
        ArrayList<T> items;
        int currentIndex;
        ArrayListIterator(ArrayList<T> items) {
            this.items = items;
            this.currentIndex = 0;
        // Are there any more items to process?
        public boolean hasNext() {
            return this.currentIndex < this.items.size();
        // Gets the next item to process
        // EFFECT: Add 1 to the current index
        public T next() {
            T result = this.items.get(this.currentIndex);
            return result;
            // OR (this might work)
            // return this.items.get(this.currentIndex++);

    Behind the Scenes of For-Each Loops

    In the Examples class, we can use the iterator to simulate what a for-each loop does behind the scenes:

    // In Examples class
    Iterator<T> arrayListIter = new ArrayListIterator<T>(alist);
    while (arrayListIter.hasNext()) {
        T t =;
        ... body ...

    Example - Linked Lists

    For linked lists, we have to use extends when it's an interface.

    IList Interface

    interface IList<T> extends Iterable<T> {
        // Is this list a cons?
        boolean isCons();

    Empty List Implementation

    class MtList<T> implements IList<T> {
        // Returns an Iterator especially for this empty list
        public Iterator<T> iterator() {
            return new IListIterator<T>(this);
        // Is this list a cons?
        public boolean isCons() {
            return false;

    Non-Empty List Implementation

    class ConsList<T> implements IList<T> {
        T first;
        IList<T> rest;
        ConsList(T first, IList<T> rest) {
            this.first = first;
   = rest;
        // Returns an Iterator especially for this non-empty list
        public Iterator<T> iterator() {
            return new IListIterator<T>(this);
        // Is this list a cons?
        public boolean isCons() {
            return true;

    IListIterator Implementation

    class IListIterator<T> implements Iterator<T> {
        IList<T> items;
        IListIterator(IList<T> items) {
            this.items = items;
        // Are there any more items to process?
        public boolean hasNext() {
            return this.items.isCons();
        // Gets the next item to process
        // EFFECT: Queues the next 
        public T next() {
            ConsList<T> cons = (ConsList<T>) this.items;
            T answer = cons.first;
            items =;
            return answer;

    Using For-Each Loops with Custom Lists

    We can now use for-each loops with our custom ILists:

    class Examples {
          IList ints = new ConsList<>(2, new ConsList<>(1, new MtList<>()));
            IList strs = new ConsList<>("fundies", new ConsList<>("two", new MtList<>()));
            int result;
            String str;
            int count() {
              result = 0;
              for (Integer i : ints2) {
                result += i; 
              return result;
            // checkExpect(result, 3) -> true
            String count2() {
              str = "";
              for (String i : strs) {
                str += i;
              return str;
            // checkExpect(strs, "fundiestwo") -> true

    Higher-order Iterators -- Iterators

    Higher-order iterators are iterators that operate on other iterators. They can modify the behavior of the underlying iterator, allowing for more flexible and reusable code. In this explanation, we will explore two higher-order iterators: EveryOtherIter and TakeN.


    The EveryOtherIter class represents an iterator that returns every other item from a given sequence. It skips every second item in the source iterator.

    class EveryOtherIter<T> implements Iterator<T> {
        Iterator<T> source;
        EveryOtherIter(Iterator<T> source) {
            this.source = source;
        public boolean hasNext() {
            // this sequence has a next item if the source does
            return this.source.hasNext();
        public T next() {
            if (!this.hasNext()) {
                throw new NoSuchElementException("there are no more items!");
            T answer =; // gets the answer, and advances the source
            // We need to have the source "skip" the next value
            if (this.source.hasNext()) {
      ; // get the next value and ignore it
            return answer;
        public void remove() {
            // We can remove an item if our source can remove the item
            this.source.remove(); // so just delegate to the source


    The EveryOtherIter class takes an existing iterator as its source and overrides the hasNext and next methods to return every other item:

    Example Usage

    class ExamplesEveryOther {
        ArrayList strs = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("bird", "cat", "dog"));
        EveryOtherIter eo = new EveryOtherIter<>(this.strs.iterator());
        void testEveryOtherIter(Tester t) {
            t.checkExpect(this.eo.hasNext(), true);
            t.checkExpect(, "bird");
            t.checkExpect(this.eo.hasNext(), true);
            t.checkExpect(, "dog");
            t.checkExpect(this.eo.hasNext(), false);


    The TakeN class represents an iterator that returns only the first n items from a given sequence.

    class TakeN<T> implements Iterator<T> {
        Iterator<T> source;
        int howMany;
        int countSoFar;
        TakeN(Iterator<T> source, int n) {
            this.source = source;
            this.howMany = n;
            this.countSoFar = 0;
        public boolean hasNext() {
            return (this.countSoFar < this.howMany) && this.source.hasNext();
        public T next() {
            if (!this.hasNext()) {
                throw new NoSuchElementException("there are no more items!");
        public void remove() {
            // We can remove an item if our source can remove the item
            this.source.remove(); // so just delegate to the source


    The TakeN class takes an existing iterator as its source and a number n. It overrides the hasNext and next methods to return only the first n items:

    Example Usage

    class ExamplesTakeN {
        ArrayList nums = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));
        TakeN tn = new TakeN<>(this.nums.iterator(), 3);
        void testTakeN(Tester t) {
            t.checkExpect(, true);
            t.checkExpect(, 1);
            t.checkExpect(, true);
            t.checkExpect(, 2);
            t.checkExpect(, true);
            t.checkExpect(, 3);
            t.checkExpect(, false);


    Higher-order iterators like EveryOtherIter and TakeN allow for flexible and reusable iteration patterns. By implementing custom iterators, we can extend the functionality of existing collections and create more complex iteration behaviors.

    Big-O Analysis -- Algorithms

    Table of Contents


    Algorithm analysis involves calculating the complexity of algorithms, focusing on time complexity and space complexity. Common tools for this are the RAM model of computation and asymptotic analysis of worst-case complexity.

    Best, Worst, and Average-Case Complexity

    An algorithm's input determines the number of steps it takes to run. For a given input size n:

    For example, if an algorithm takes 2n steps in the worst case, the worst-case function for time complexity is T(n) = 2n.

    Big O Notation

    Big O notation describes the limiting behavior of a function as its input tends towards infinity. It simplifies the comparison of algorithm efficiencies by focusing on the dominant term and ignoring constants.

    Growth Rates and Dominance Relations

    Big O notation creates classes of functions that describe their growth rates. Common classes include:

    The following table shows the growth rates of common classes:

    n log n n n log n 2^n n!
    10 0.003 μs 0.01 μs 0.033 μs 0.1 μs 1 μs 3.63 ms
    20 0.004 μs 0.02 μs 0.086 μs 0.4 μs 1 ms 77.1 years
    30 0.005 μs 0.03 μs 0.147 μs 0.9 μs 1 sec 8.4 × 10^15 years
    40 0.005 μs 0.04 μs 0.213 μs 1.6 μs 18.3 min -
    50 0.006 μs 0.05 μs 0.282 μs 2.5 μs 13 days -


    Donald Knuth (June–July 1998). "Teach Calculus with Big O" (PDF). Notices of the American Mathematical Society. 45 (6): 687. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2021-10-14. Retrieved 2021-09-05. (Unabridged version Archived 2008-05-13 at the Wayback Machine)

    Example in Java: Time Complexity

    Here are some examples to illustrate different time complexities in Java:

    Constant Time: O(1)

    public class ConstantTime {
        public int getFirstElement(int[] arr) {
            return arr[0];

    Linear Time: O(n)

    public class LinearTime {
        public int sumArray(int[] arr) {
            int sum = 0;
            for (int num : arr) {
                sum += num;
            return sum;

    Quadratic Time: O(n²)

    public class QuadraticTime {
        public void printPairs(int[] arr) {
            for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < arr.length; j++) {
                    System.out.println(arr[i] + ", " + arr[j]);

    Exponential Time: O(2^n)

    public class ExponentialTime {
        public int fibonacci(int n) {
            if (n <= 1) {
                return n;
            return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2);

    Searching -- Algorithms

    Table of Contents

    How Binary Search Works

    Binary Search is a search algorithm that finds the position of a target value within a sorted array. It works by repeatedly dividing the search interval in half:

    Graphic Explanation

    Binary Search is a search algorithm that finds the position of a target value within a sorted array. It works by repeatedly dividing the search interval in half:

    Java Code Implementation

    public class BinarySearch {
        public static int binarySearch(int[] arr, int target) {
            int left = 0;
            int right = arr.length - 1;
            while (left <= right) {
                int mid = left + (right - left) / 2;
                if (arr[mid] == target) {
                    return mid;
                } else if (arr[mid] < target) {
                    left = mid + 1;
                } else {
                    right = mid - 1;
            return -1; // target not found
        class Examples {
            int[] arr = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
            int target = 5;
            int result = binarySearch(arr, target);
            // Index of target: 


    Binary Search has a time complexity of O(log n). It is very efficient for searching in large sorted arrays because it reduces the search space by half in each step.

    Breadth-First Search (BFS)

    Breadth-First Search (BFS) is a search algorithm that explores all the nodes at the present depth level before moving on to nodes at the next depth level:

    How BFS Works

    Breadth-First Search (BFS) is a search algorithm that explores all the nodes at the present depth level before moving on to nodes at the next depth level:

    Graphic Explanation

    Java Code Implementation

    import java.util.*;
    public class BreadthFirstSearch {
         class Graph {
            private int V; // Number of vertices
            private LinkedList adj[]; // Adjacency lists
            Graph(int v) {
                V = v;
                adj = new LinkedList[v];
                for (int i = 0; i < v; ++i) {
                    adj[i] = new LinkedList();
            void addEdge(int v, int w) {
            void BFS(int s) {
                boolean visited[] = new boolean[V];
                LinkedList queue = new LinkedList();
                visited[s] = true;
                while (queue.size() != 0) {
                    s = queue.poll();
                    System.out.print(s + " ");
                    Iterator i = adj[s].listIterator();
                    while (i.hasNext()) {
                        int n =;
                        if (!visited[n]) {
                            visited[n] = true;
        class Examples {
            Graph g = new Graph(4);
            g.addEdge(0, 1);
            g.addEdge(0, 2);
            g.addEdge(1, 2);
            g.addEdge(2, 0);
            g.addEdge(2, 3);
            g.addEdge(3, 3);
            // Breadth First Traversal starting from vertex 2:


    Breadth-First Search (BFS) has a time complexity of O(V + E), where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges. It is useful for finding the shortest path in an unweighted graph.

    Depth-First Search (DFS)

    How DFS Works

    Depth-First Search (DFS) is a search algorithm that explores as far as possible along each branch before backtracking:

    Graphic Explanation

    Depth-First Search (DFS) is a search algorithm that explores as far as possible along each branch before backtracking:

    Java Code Implementation

    import java.util.*;
    public class DepthFirstSearch {
         class Graph {
            private int V; // Number of vertices
            private LinkedList adj[]; // Adjacency lists
            Graph(int v) {
                V = v;
                adj = new LinkedList[v];
                for (int i = 0; i < v; ++i) {
                    adj[i] = new LinkedList();
            void addEdge(int v, int w) {
            void DFSUtil(int v, boolean visited[]) {
                visited[v] = true;
                System.out.print(v + " ");
                Iterator i = adj[v].listIterator();
                while (i.hasNext()) {
                    int n =;
                    if (!visited[n]) {
                        DFSUtil(n, visited);
            void DFS(int v) {
                boolean visited[] = new boolean[V];
                DFSUtil(v, visited);
        class Examples {
            Graph g = new Graph(4);
            g.addEdge(0, 1);
            g.addEdge(0, 2);
            g.addEdge(1, 2);
            g.addEdge(2, 0);
            g.addEdge(2, 3);
            g.addEdge(3, 3);
            // Depth First Traversal starting from vertex 2:


    Depth-First Search (DFS) has a time complexity of O(V + E), where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges. It is useful for exploring all the nodes in a graph and can be used to detect cycles.


    [1] Knuth, Donald (1998). Sorting and Searching. The Art of Computer Programming. Vol. 3 (2nd ed.). Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Professional.

    Dijkstra’s Algorithm -- Algorithms

    Table of Contents


    Finding the shortest path between two vertices in a graph is a common problem in computer science. The algorithm discussed here calculates the cost of the cheapest path as well as the actual path between the source and target vertices.

    How the Algorithm Works

    The algorithm works by using a priority queue to explore the shortest path in a weighted graph:

    Java Code Implementation

    import java.util.*;
    class Vertex {
        String name;
        List outEdges = new ArrayList<>();
        Vertex(String name) {
   = name;
        void addEdge(Vertex to, int weight) {
            outEdges.add(new Edge(this, to, weight));
    class Edge {
        Vertex from;
        Vertex to;
        int weight;
        Edge(Vertex from, Vertex to, int weight) {
            this.from = from;
   = to;
            this.weight = weight;
    class Graph {
        // Find the cost of the cheapest path between the two given vertices
        int shortestPathCost(Vertex source, Vertex target) {
            ArrayList unvisited = new ArrayList<>();
            HashMap distances = new HashMap<>();
            HashMap predecessors = new HashMap<>();
            distances.put(source, 0);
            while (unvisited.size() > 0) {
                Vertex v = unvisited.remove(0);
                for (Edge e : v.outEdges) {
                    if (distances.get( == null || distances.get( > distances.get(v) + e.weight) {
                        distances.put(, distances.get(v) + e.weight); 
                        predecessors.put(, v);
            return distances.getOrDefault(target, -1);
        // Find the cheapest path between the two given vertices
        ArrayList shortestPath(Vertex source, Vertex target) {
            ArrayList unvisited = new ArrayList<>();
            HashMap distances = new HashMap<>();
            HashMap predecessors = new HashMap<>();
            distances.put(source, 0);
            while (unvisited.size() > 0) {
                Vertex v = unvisited.remove(0);
                for (Edge e : v.outEdges) {
                    if (distances.get( == null || distances.get( > distances.get(v) + e.weight) {
                        distances.put(, distances.get(v) + e.weight); 
                        predecessors.put(, v);
            ArrayList path = new ArrayList<>();
            Vertex step = target;
            if (predecessors.get(step) == null) {
                return path;
            while (step != source) {
                step = predecessors.get(step);
                path.add(0, step);
            return path;
    public class Examples {
        Vertex v1 = new Vertex("A");
        Vertex v2 = new Vertex("B");
        Vertex v3 = new Vertex("C");
        Vertex v4 = new Vertex("D");
        v1.addEdge(v2, 1);
        v2.addEdge(v3, 2);
        v3.addEdge(v4, 1);
        v1.addEdge(v4, 4);
        Graph g = new Graph();
        System.out.println("Shortest path cost from A to D: " + g.shortestPathCost(v1, v4));
        ArrayList path = g.shortestPath(v1, v4);
        System.out.print("Path: ");
        for (Vertex v : path) {
            System.out.print( + " ");

    Analysis of the Algorithm

    This shortest path algorithm, similar to Dijkstra's algorithm, has a time complexity of O(V^2) due to the use of a simple unvisited list. This can be improved to O(V log V + E) by using a priority queue (such as a min-heap) instead of a list for the unvisited vertices. It efficiently finds the shortest path in graphs with non-negative edge weights.

    Minimum Spanning Trees -- Algorithms

    Table of Contents


    Finding the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) of a graph is a fundamental problem in computer science. The MST connects all vertices in a weighted graph such that the total edge weight is minimized, and no cycles are formed. We will explore three different algorithms to solve this problem: Borůvka’s, Prim’s, and Kruskal’s algorithms.

    Borůvka’s Algorithm

    How Borůvka’s Algorithm Works

    Borůvka’s algorithm starts with each vertex as a separate component and repeatedly adds the shortest edge from each component to another component until all components are connected.

    Java Code Implementation

    import java.util.*;
    class Vertex {
        String name;
        List outEdges = new ArrayList<>();
        Vertex(String name) {
   = name;
        void addEdge(Vertex to, int weight) {
            outEdges.add(new Edge(this, to, weight));
    class Edge implements Comparable {
        Vertex from;
        Vertex to;
        int weight;
        Edge(Vertex from, Vertex to, int weight) {
            this.from = from;
   = to;
            this.weight = weight;
        public int compareTo(Edge other) {
            return this.weight - other.weight;
    class Graph {
        List vertices = new ArrayList<>();
        List edges = new ArrayList<>();
        void addVertex(Vertex v) {
        void addEdge(Vertex from, Vertex to, int weight) {
            Edge edge = new Edge(from, to, weight);
            from.addEdge(to, weight);
        List boruvka() {
            List mst = new ArrayList<>();
            UnionFind uf = new UnionFind(vertices.size());
            while (mst.size() < vertices.size() - 1) {
                Edge[] cheapest = new Edge[vertices.size()];
                for (Edge e : edges) {
                    int set1 = uf.find(vertices.indexOf(e.from));
                    int set2 = uf.find(vertices.indexOf(;
                    if (set1 != set2) {
                        if (cheapest[set1] == null || e.weight < cheapest[set1].weight) {
                            cheapest[set1] = e;
                        if (cheapest[set2] == null || e.weight < cheapest[set2].weight) {
                            cheapest[set2] = e;
                for (Edge e : cheapest) {
                    if (e != null) {
                        int set1 = uf.find(vertices.indexOf(e.from));
                        int set2 = uf.find(vertices.indexOf(;
                        if (set1 != set2) {
                            uf.union(set1, set2);
            return mst;
    class UnionFind {
        int[] parent;
        int[] rank;
        UnionFind(int size) {
            parent = new int[size];
            rank = new int[size];
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                parent[i] = i;
                rank[i] = 0;
        int find(int i) {
            if (parent[i] != i) {
                parent[i] = find(parent[i]);
            return parent[i];
        void union(int i, int j) {
            int root1 = find(i);
            int root2 = find(j);
            if (root1 != root2) {
                if (rank[root1] > rank[root2]) {
                    parent[root2] = root1;
                } else if (rank[root1] < rank[root2]) {
                    parent[root1] = root2;
                } else {
                    parent[root2] = root1;
    public class Examples {
        Graph g = new Graph();
        Vertex a = new Vertex("A");
        Vertex b = new Vertex("B");
        Vertex c = new Vertex("C");
        Vertex d = new Vertex("D");
        Vertex e = new Vertex("E");
        Vertex f = new Vertex("F");
        g.addEdge(a, b, 30);
        g.addEdge(a, e, 50);
        g.addEdge(b, c, 40);
        g.addEdge(b, e, 35);
        g.addEdge(c, d, 25);
        g.addEdge(c, e, 15);
        g.addEdge(d, f, 50);
        g.addEdge(e, f, 50);
        List mst = g.boruvka();
        for (Edge e : mst) {
            System.out.println( + " - " + + " : " + e.weight);


    Borůvka’s algorithm has a time complexity of O(E log V). It repeatedly adds the cheapest edge from each component until all components are connected, making it efficient for parallel processing.

    Prim’s Algorithm

    How Prim’s Algorithm Works

    Prim’s algorithm grows a single tree starting from an arbitrary vertex. It repeatedly adds the cheapest edge that connects a vertex in the tree to a vertex outside the tree until all vertices are connected.

    Java Code Implementation

    import java.util.*;
    class PrimGraph {
        List vertices = new ArrayList<>();
        List edges = new ArrayList<>();
        void addVertex(Vertex v) {
        void addEdge(Vertex from, Vertex to, int weight) {
            Edge edge = new Edge(from, to, weight);
            from.addEdge(to, weight);
            to.addEdge(from, weight); // Since the graph is undirected
        List prim(Vertex start) {
            List mst = new ArrayList<>();
            PriorityQueue pq = new PriorityQueue<>(Comparator.comparingInt(e -> e.weight));
            Set inMST = new HashSet<>();
            while (!pq.isEmpty() && inMST.size() < vertices.size()) {
                Edge edge = pq.poll();
                if (inMST.contains( continue;
                for (Edge e : {
                    if (!inMST.contains( {
            return mst;
    public class PrimExamples {
        PrimGraph g = new PrimGraph();
        Vertex a = new Vertex("A");
        Vertex b = new Vertex("B");
        Vertex c = new Vertex("C");
        Vertex d = new Vertex("D");
        Vertex e = new Vertex("E");
        Vertex f = new Vertex("F");
        g.addEdge(a, b, 30);
        g.addEdge(a, e, 50);
        g.addEdge(b, c, 40);
        g.addEdge(b, e, 35);
        g.addEdge(c, d, 25);
        g.addEdge(c, e, 15);
        g.addEdge(d, f, 50);
        g.addEdge(e, f, 50);
        List mst = g.prim(a);
        for (Edge e : mst) {
            System.out.println( + " - " + + " : " + e.weight);


    Prim’s algorithm has a time complexity of O(E log V) when using a priority queue. It is efficient for dense graphs and is widely used due to its simplicity and effectiveness.

    Kruskal’s Algorithm

    How Kruskal’s Algorithm Works

    Kruskal’s algorithm sorts all edges in the graph by their weight and adds the smallest edge to the MST, provided it does not form a cycle, until all vertices are connected.

    Java Code Implementation

    import java.util.*;
    class KruskalGraph {
        List vertices = new ArrayList<>();
        List edges = new ArrayList<>();
        void addVertex(Vertex v) {
        void addEdge(Vertex from, Vertex to, int weight) {
            Edge edge = new Edge(from, to, weight);
        List kruskal() {
            List mst = new ArrayList<>();
            UnionFind uf = new UnionFind(vertices.size());
            for (Edge e : edges) {
                int set1 = uf.find(vertices.indexOf(e.from));
                int set2 = uf.find(vertices.indexOf(;
                if (set1 != set2) {
                    uf.union(set1, set2);
            return mst;
    public class KruskalExamples {
        KruskalGraph g = new KruskalGraph();
        Vertex a = new Vertex("A");
        Vertex b = new Vertex("B");
        Vertex c = new Vertex("C");
        Vertex d = new Vertex("D");
        Vertex e = new Vertex("E");
        Vertex f = new Vertex("F");
        g.addEdge(a, b, 30);
        g.addEdge(a, e, 50);
        g.addEdge(b, c, 40);
        g.addEdge(b, e, 35);
        g.addEdge(c, d, 25);
        g.addEdge(c, e, 15);
        g.addEdge(d, f, 50);
        g.addEdge(e, f, 50);
        List mst = g.kruskal();
        for (Edge e : mst) {
            System.out.println( + " - " + + " : " + e.weight);


    Kruskal’s algorithm has a time complexity of O(E log E) due to the sorting of edges. It is particularly efficient for sparse graphs and is known for its simplicity in implementation.


    [1] Chin, F.; Houck, D. (1978), "Algorithms for updating minimal spanning trees", Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 16 (3): 333–344, doi:10.1016/0022-0000(78)90022-3.

    JUnit Testing

    Table of Contents


    JUnit is a widely used testing framework for Java that helps developers write and run repeatable tests. It is an essential tool for ensuring code quality and reliability. JUnit allows for the creation of automated tests that can be executed frequently to verify that the code behaves as expected.

    How JUnit Testing Works

    JUnit follows a few simple steps to test code:

    Java Code Implementation

    Here is an example of a simple Java class with JUnit tests:

    import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
    import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
    import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
    class Calculator {
        public int add(int a, int b) {
            return a + b;
        public int subtract(int a, int b) {
            return a - b;
        public int multiply(int a, int b) {
            return a * b;
        public int divide(int a, int b) {
            if (b == 0) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Division by zero");
            return a / b;
    public class CalculatorTest {
        private Calculator calculator;
        void setUp() {
            calculator = new Calculator();
        void testAdd() {
            assertEquals(5, calculator.add(2, 3));
            assertEquals(-1, calculator.add(-2, 1));
            assertEquals(0, calculator.add(-2, 2));
        void testSubtract() {
            assertEquals(1, calculator.subtract(3, 2));
            assertEquals(-3, calculator.subtract(-2, 1));
            assertEquals(-4, calculator.subtract(-2, 2));
        void testMultiply() {
            assertEquals(6, calculator.multiply(2, 3));
            assertEquals(-2, calculator.multiply(-2, 1));
            assertEquals(-4, calculator.multiply(-2, 2));
        void testDivide() {
            assertEquals(2, calculator.divide(6, 3));
            assertEquals(-2, calculator.divide(-4, 2));
            assertEquals(0, calculator.divide(0, 1));
        void testDivideByZero() {
            Exception exception = assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> {
                calculator.divide(1, 0);
            assertEquals("Division by zero", exception.getMessage());

    Analysis of JUnit Testing

    JUnit testing provides several benefits:


    Table of Contents

    Programming Languages Overview

    Let's review the different programming languages we have seen so far and their characteristics:

    JavaScript Overview

    JavaScript is a versatile, dynamically typed, object-oriented language commonly used in web development. Here are some key features:


    42 // Returns 42
    false // Returns false
    "world" + 10 // Returns "world10"
    50 + "hello" // Returns "50hello"
    "good" + true // Returns "goodtrue"
    "good" + false // Returns "goodfalse"
    [4, 5, 6] // Creates an Array
    [4, 5, 6].length // 3
    function g(x) { return x * 3; }
    g(3) // 9
    var obj = { "y": 7, "b": "world" }
    obj.y // 7
    obj.b // "world"
    function DogMaker(name) { = name; this.sound = "bark"; }
    var buddy = new DogMaker("buddy"); // "buddy"
    buddy.sound // "bark"
    var biggerBuddy = { name: "biggerBuddy", __proto__: buddy }
    biggerBuddy.sound // "bark"
    buddy.sound = "woof"
    biggerBuddy.sound // "woof"
    biggerBuddy.favoriteToy = "ball"
    buddy.favoriteToy // undefined

    Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

    Object-oriented programming involves creating objects that contain both data and methods. Key features of object-oriented languages include:

    Building an Object-Oriented System in JavaScript

    In JavaScript, we can create an object-oriented system. Here's an example:

    Point Class

    The Point class represents a point in a 2D space with x and y coordinates.

    class Point {
        constructor(x, y) {
            this.x = x;
            this.y = y;
        // Method to calculate the distance from the origin
        distance() {
            return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y);
    // Creating instances of Point
    const point1 = new Point(5, 10);
    const point2 = new Point(15, 20);
    // Accessing properties of the objects
    console.log(point1.x); // 5
    console.log(point2.y); // 20
    // Calculating distance from the origin
    console.log(point1.distance()); // 11.18
    console.log(point2.distance()); // 25

    Rectangle Class

    The Rectangle class represents a rectangle with width and height.

    class Rectangle {
        constructor(width, height) {
            this.width = width;
            this.height = height;
        // Method to calculate the area of the rectangle
        area() {
            return this.width * this.height;
    // Creating instances of Rectangle
    const rect1 = new Rectangle(5, 10);
    const rect2 = new Rectangle(15, 20);
    // Calculating the area of the rectangles
    console.log(rect1.area()); // 50
    console.log(rect2.area()); // 300

    Example Usage

    // Example of creating and using Point objects
    const examplePoint1 = new Point(3, 4);
    const examplePoint2 = new Point(6, 8);
    console.log(`Point1 Distance: ${examplePoint1.distance()}`); // 5
    console.log(`Point2 Distance: ${examplePoint2.distance()}`); // 10
    // Example of creating and using Rectangle objects
    const exampleRect1 = new Rectangle(2, 3);
    const exampleRect2 = new Rectangle(4, 5);
    console.log(`Rectangle1 Area: ${exampleRect1.area()}`); // 6
    console.log(`Rectangle2 Area: ${exampleRect2.area()}`); // 20

    Getting Ready for Object-Oriented Design (OOD)

    When transitioning to OOD, remember the following key points:

    Summary of What We Learned



    Efficiency and Complexity:




    Working with Mutation:

    Why OOD?

    Topics for OOD:

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